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Go to the shopShipping costs outside the country vary depending on the shipping method, country and weight of the order. For more information, please contact info@pinttashoes.com
Once the confirmation of the order has been received by the Client and the price has been paid in full, the Client will receive an email with the order’s shipping information and an indication of the expected delivery date at the indicated address.
In case of unavailability of the article (s), PINTTA must inform the Client, within a maximum period of 5 (five) days from the knowledge of this unavailability, proceeding to refund the amounts paid, in case the Parties do not agree on a new term of performance of the contract.
If, on the date scheduled for delivery, the Client is not at the address indicated, an additional invoice will be sent with the travel costs and instructions for payment. The Client may reschedule the delivery, within a maximum period of one month from the day previously scheduled, provided that payment for the previous delivery was made.
In case of detecting defects or damages on the articles and / or if the articles do not match your order, the Client must identify the damages or defects in the sheet intended for this purpose. The Client must also contact PINTTA Customer Service within 2 (two) days after the delivery date.