Footwear that hurts... We have a solution!
"FOOTWEAR THAT HURTS" We have the solution to this problem. It looks like magic, but it's not.
We know that sometimes it is difficult to put on a new pair of shoes (or trainers) on your feet. Our tip is very simple, but very effective.
We've all bought that pair of shoes that, because there isn't a bigger size, are slightly tight and hurt our feet and soul, haven't we? Who identifies with that?

Pintta has a tip to share. This technique applies to all new and second-hand shoes, but there is a downside: it must have a full leather lining, like Pintta's. If it's fabric, it won't work. Goodbye, pair of shoes! (Well, the solution is to buy a new one: Pintta offers discounts on some of its most iconic models. An incredible and unrepeatable offer.)

This trick will keep the shoe from being put aside. After all, you don't put what you like aside, right?
Is the lining completely leather? Then the solution goes by applying cream. Yes, that's right, and the ideal is the classic blue tin Nivea. A little is placed on the tip of the finger, passed through the inside of the shoe or sneaker, applying directly to the points where it is hurting. You can massage a little if you want, it is not mandatory, the important thing is to spread the product well.

"The solution is to apply cream"
The solution is to apply cream, the ideal is Nivea tin blue, put a little cream on the tip of the finger and on the inside of the shoe or sneaker, put the cream directly on the points where it is hurting, you can massage a little if you want, it's not mandatory, the important thing is to spread the cream.

After we finish applying the cream, courage: we must put on our shoes and walk around the house for as long as we can stand it. The next day, 24 hours later, if the situation has not improved, the process must be repeated.

Important note: if the shoe has caused blisters or another type of more serious injury to the feet, it is important that we leave it for 3 to 4 days before trying it again.